2024-10-15 23:44:12 +02:00

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<p align="center">
<img width="300" alt="Codeium" src="codeium.svg"/>
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# codeium.nvim
Native [Codeium]( plugin for Neovim.
## Contributing
Feel free to create an issue/PR if you want to see anything else implemented.
## Screenshots
[Completion in Action](
## Installation
### [packer.nvim](
use {
requires = {
config = function()
### [lazy.nvim](
dependencies = {
config = function()
## Usage
After installation and configuration, you will need to authenticate with
Codeium. This can be done by running `:Codeium Auth`, copying the token from
your browser and pasting it into API token request.
To use Codeium Chat, execute the `:Codeium Chat` command. The chat will be opened
in your default browser using the xdg-open command.
## Options
- `config_path`: the path to the config file, used to store the API key.
- `bin_path`: the path to the directory where the Codeium server will be downloaded to.
- `api`: information about the API server to use:
- `host`: the hostname. Example: `""`. Required when using enterprise mode
- `port`: the port. Defaults to `443`
- `path`: the path prefix to the API server. Default for enterprise: `"/_route/api_server"`
- `portal_url`: the portal URL to use (for enterprise mode). Defaults to `host:port`
- `enterprise_mode`: enable enterprise mode
- `detect_proxy`: enable or disable proxy detection
- `enable_chat`: enable chat functionality
- `enable_cmp_source`: defaults to true. Set `false` to disable registering a `cmp` source
- `virtual_text`: configuration for showing completions in virtual text
- `enabled`: defaults to `false`. Set `true` to enable the virtual text feature
- `filetypes`: A mapping of filetype to true or false, to enable virtual text
- `default_filetype_enabled`: Whether to enable virtual text of not for types not listed in `filetypes`.
- `manual`: Set `true` to only trigger Codeium using a manual Lua function call
- `idle_delay`: defaults to `75`. Time in ms to wait before requesting completions after typing stops.
- `virtual_text_priority`: defaults to `65535`. Priority of the virtual text
- `map_keys`: defaults to `true`. Set `false` to not set any key bindings for completions
- `accept_fallback`: Emulate pressing this key when using the accept key binding but there is no completion. Defaults
to "\t"
- `key_bindings`: key bindings for accepting and cycling through completions
- `accept`: key binding for accepting a completion, default is `<Tab>`
- `accept_word`: key binding for accepting only the next word, default is not set
- `accept_line`: key binding for accepting only the next line, default is not set
- `clear`: key binding for clearing the virtual text, default is `<C-[>`
- `next`: key binding for cycling to the next completion, default is `<M-]>`
- `prev`: key binding for cycling to the previous completion, default is `<M-[>`
- `workspace_root`:
- `use_lsp`: Use Neovim's LSP support to find the workspace root, if possible.
- `paths`: paths to files that indicate a workspace root when not using the LSP support
- `find_root`: An optional function that the plugin will call to find the workspace root.
- `tools`: paths to binaries used by the plugin:
- `uname`: not needed on Windows, defaults given.
- `uuidgen`
- `curl`:
- `gzip`: not needed on Windows, default implemenation given using powershell.exe Expand-Archive instead
- `language_server`: The path to the language server downloaded from the [official source.](
- `wrapper`: the path to a wrapper script/binary that is used to execute any
binaries not listed under `tools`. This is primarily useful for NixOS, where
a FHS wrapper can be used for the downloaded codeium server.
### [nvim-cmp](
After calling `setup`, this plugin will register a source in nvim-cmp. nvim-cmp
can then be set up to use this source using the `sources` configuration:
-- ...
sources = {
-- ...
{ name = "codeium" }
If you are seeing the `codeium` source as unused in `:CmpStatus`, make sure that `nvim-cmp` setup happens before the `codeium.nvim` setup.
To set a symbol for codeium using lspkind, use the `Codeium` keyword. Example:
-- ...
formatting = {
format = require('lspkind').cmp_format({
mode = "symbol",
maxwidth = 50,
ellipsis_char = '...',
symbol_map = { Codeium = "", }
### Virtual Text
The plugin supports showing completions in virtual text. Set `virtual_text.enabled` in the options to `true` to enable it.
-- Optionally disable cmp source if using virtual text only
enable_cmp_source = false,
virtual_text = {
enabled = true,
-- These are the defaults
-- Set to true if you never want completions to be shown automatically.
manual = false,
-- A mapping of filetype to true or false, to enable virtual text.
filetypes = {},
-- Whether to enable virtual text of not for filetypes not specifically listed above.
default_filetype_enabled = true,
-- How long to wait (in ms) before requesting completions after typing stops.
idle_delay = 75,
-- Priority of the virtual text. This usually ensures that the completions appear on top of
-- other plugins that also add virtual text, such as LSP inlay hints, but can be modified if
-- desired.
virtual_text_priority = 65535,
-- Set to false to disable all key bindings for managing completions.
map_keys = true,
-- The key to press when hitting the accept keybinding but no completion is showing.
-- Defaults to \t normally or <c-n> when a popup is showing.
accept_fallback = nil,
-- Key bindings for managing completions in virtual text mode.
key_bindings = {
-- Accept the current completion.
accept = "<Tab>",
-- Accept the next word.
accept_word = "",
-- Accept the next line.
accept_line = "",
-- Clear the virtual text.
clear = "<C-[>",
-- Cycle to the next completion.
next = "<M-]>",
-- Cycle to the previous completion.
prev = "<M-[>",
#### Virtual Text Keybindings
The plugin defines a number of key bindings for managing completion in virtual text mode. You can override these by
setting `virtual_text.key_bindings`. If you don't want any key bindings, set `virtual_text.map_keys` to `false`, or
you can set specific bindings to `""`. Note that in Lua, setting a value to `nil` looks the same as not setting it at
all, so the default key binding will be installed if you use `nil`.
When `manual` mode is enabled, you can call any of these functions to show completions:
-- Request completions immediately.
-- Request a completion, or cycle to the next if we already have some
-- Complete only after idle_delay has passed with no other calls to debounced_complete().
#### Virtual Text Filetypes
You can set the `filetypes` and `default_filetype_enabled` options in the `virtual_text` table to configure which filetypes
should use virtual text.
virtual_text = {
filetypes = {
python = true,
markdown = false
default_filetype_enabled = true
### Show Codeium status in statusline
When using virtual text, Codeium status can be generated by calling `require('codeium.virtual_text').status_string()`.
It produces a 3 char long string with Codeium status:
- `'3/8'` - third suggestion out of 8
- `'0'` - Codeium returned no suggestions
- `'*'` - waiting for Codeium response
In order to show it in status line add following line to your `.vimrc`:
```set statusline+=%3{v:lua.require('codeium.virtual_text').status_string()}```
Please check `:help statusline` for further information about building statusline in VIM.
The `status_string` function can also be used with other statusline plugins.
You can call the `set_statusbar_refresh` function to customize how the plugin refreshes the
status bar.
For example, this sets up the plugin with lualine:
For more customization, you can also call the `status` function which returns an object that can be used to create a
status string.
function custom_status()
local status = require('codeium.virtual_text').status()
if status.state == 'idle' then
-- Output was cleared, for example when leaving insert mode
return ' '
if status.state == 'waiting' then
-- Waiting for response
return "Waiting..."
if status.state == 'completions' and > 0 then
return string.format('%d/%d', status.current,
return ' 0 '
### Workspace Root Directory
The plugin uses a few techniques to find the workspace root directory, which helps to inform the autocomplete and chat context.
1. Call the optional `workspace_root.find_root` function, if provided. This is described below.
2. Query Neovim's built-in LSP support for the workspace root, if `workspace_root.use_lsp` is not set to `false`.
3. Search upward in the filesystem for a file or directory in `workspace_root.paths` that indicates a workspace root.
The default configuration is:
workspace_root = {
use_lsp = true,
find_root = nil,
paths = {
The `find_root` function can help the plugin find the workspace root when you are not using Neovim's built-in LSP
provider. For example, this snippet calls into `coc.nvim` to find the workspace root.
workspace_root = {
find_root = function()
return vim.fn.CocAction("currentWorkspacePath")
## Troubleshooting
The plugin log is written to `~/.cache/nvim/codeium/codeium.log`.
You can set the logging level to one of `trace`, `debug`, `info`, `warn`,
`error` by exporting the `DEBUG_CODEIUM` environment variable.
## Credits
This plugin was initially developed by [@jcdickinson](