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2019-06-27 12:47:09 +02:00

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# A function that displays given text surrounding it with
# horizontal-rules (the `bars') with given color and using
# given bar-character. The main point is:
# - one can passs colorized text (ANSI escape sequences), and
# it will not disturb the output (i.e. it will not confuse
# the bars' lengths)
# - one can pass the same options as to `print' builtin - the
# options are fully parsed and separated from the `private'
# options of the acc_print
# - acc_print will not print unless --print option given - the
# main result of the funcction is then input text lenght (
# resilient to the ANSI escapes) in `REPLY', and complete print
# arguments in `reply' (so that user can do: print "${reply[@]}"
# Options --dbg --bar-above --bar-below --both-bars --print --bar-char:
# --bar-color: are mostly self-explaining. The --bar-color is an escape
# string (e.g. taken from $fg[blue]). The colon : denotes options that
# require an argument. --dbg will show some information on the acc_print
# state and operation.
# The prefix acc_* comes from accumulation, i.e. following use case is
# possible:
# acc_print -n "Test$fg[yellow]MSG$reset_color"
# acc_print "${reply[@]}" "\nLength of the above message: $REPLY"
# acc_print "${reply[@]}" "\nFinished::)\n" --print
# By passing the $reply from previous call one accumulates multiple
# prints. The last one does the whole aggregated data displying, by
# obeying the --print option. The effect:
# TestMSG
# Length of the above message: 7
# Finished::)
# One problem - above example will wrongly print the bars, with e.g.
# --both-bars passed, because it will have the length of the sum of
# all 3 strings lengths. A workaround:
# integer prev max
# acc_print -n "Test$fg[yellow]MSG$reset_color"
# prev=$REPLY max=$REPLY
# acc_print "${reply[@]}" "\nLength of the above message: $REPLY"
# max=$(( max = (REPLY-prev) > max ? REPLY-prev : max ))
# prev+=REPLY
# acc_print "${reply[@]}" "\nFinished::)\n"
# max=$(( max = (REPLY-prev) > max ? REPLY-prev : max ))
# print -- ${(l:max::-:):-}
# acc_print "${reply[@]}" --print
# print -- ${(l:max::-:):-}
# Other problem: escape sequences like \n \r etc. should be also
# ignored in the length returned by REPLY (if not using -r print
# option).
acc_print() {
setopt localoptions extendedglob typesetsilent warncreateglobal
local -A opthash
local -a optarray
integer pdebug
# The ${^...} (with additional s-flag, i.e. the s::) will expand every
# splitted sequence of elements to append the =optarg to them. Thus,
# there will be a semi-separation of storage of the non-argument options
# (landing in both `optarray' and `opthash') and of the with-argument
# options (landing only in the hash `opthash'.
# Note: (s::) splits on every character.
local -a private_opts
private_opts=( --dbg --bar-above --bar-below --both-bars --print --bar-char: --bar-color: )
# ${(s::)^:-abcDilmnNoOpPrsSzRe}=optarray will expand to each character
# (the split on null string does this, s::) with =optarray appended (the
# ^ does this).
zparseopts -E -D -A opthash ${(s::)^:-abcDilmnNoOpPrsSzRe}=optarray u: f: C: v: x: X: ${private_opts[@]#-} || \
{ builtin print -r -- "Bad options given to the internal \`acc_print' function, aborting the function call"; return 1; }
# 1st return value: length of the string without escape codes
local input="${(j: :)@}"
typeset -g REPLY=${#input}
# arg_keys - the keys in the opthash that belong to the with-value
# options. Basically, :# means "filter out from array",
# ${(~j:|:)optarray[@]]] means: connect all elements via alternative
# - so this :# and a|b|c filters-out non-argument options from the
# opthash (plus also the private_opts, i.e. non print-options
local -a arg_keys
arg_keys=( ${(k)opthash[@]:#(${(~j:|:)optarray[@]}|${(~j:|:)private_opts%:})} )
# Some debug messages to enable (by reoving the colon)
(( ${+opthash[--dbg]} )) && {
builtin print -r -- OPTION-HASH '(ALL OPTIONS)': ${(q-kv)opthash[@]}
builtin print -r -- OPTION-ARRAY '(NON-ARGUMENT OPTIONS)': "${(q-)optarray[@]}"
builtin print -r -- ARGUMENT-ONLY-OPTIONS: "${(kv@)opthash[(I)(${(~j:|:)arg_keys[@]})]}"
builtin print
builtin print -r -- "The command to be run in case of --print option:"
builtin print -r -- print "${(kv@)opthash[(I)(${(~j:|:)arg_keys[@]})]}" \
"${optarray[@]}" "${(q-)@}"
# 2nd return value: the complete arguments for the print builtin
typeset -ga reply
reply=( "${(kv@)opthash[(I)(${(~j:|:)arg_keys[@]})]}" "${optarray[@]}" "$@" )
local bar_char="${opthash[--bar-char]:--}"
(( ${+opthash[--bar-above]} + ${+opthash[--both-bars]} )) && \
print -- "${opthash[--bar-color]:-}${(pl:REPLY::$bar_char:):-}${opthash[--bar-color]:+$reset_color}"
(( ${+opthash[--print]} )) && builtin print "${(kv@)opthash[(I)(${(~j:|:)arg_keys[@]})]}" "${optarray[@]}" "$@"
(( ${+opthash[--bar-below]} + ${+opthash[--both-bars]} )) && \
print -- "${opthash[--bar-color]:-}${(pl:REPLY::$bar_char:):-}${opthash[--bar-color]:+$reset_color}"
# vim:ft=zsh:et:wrap:sw=4:sts=4